

"scene 1, take 1..."
"Cameras ready?"
"Cameras rolling..."
"and.... ACTION!"

yade yade yade~

"and.... CUT!"
"good take!" ........

All these phrases I heard have ranked the highest frequency for today!
It's tiring... But what made it all worthwhile was the experiences I earned and, all the cool stuffs you never would learn in it from the school! To be cooped up in a office from 9am-6.45pm, almost a 10 hr of office hour would be HELL! However, with filming as the main task is never the same... It's just sooo fun and enjoyable. Getting to meet with interesting talents(actors) and bumping into hilarious and awkward moments =D

No doubt, it's a long day at work, but I must say that it's definitely a long day wit not only work but fun and joy. Of course no such things like, having to raise your head each time feeling so devastated and disappointed and just to know that the clock has just past 10mins or to think of ways to rush to catch the MRT before 6 to avoid jostling with the crowd! just liike any other typical commuters would have thought of. HAHA!

Below are the pictures from today's filming......

what we could have been, 8:22 下午.

It's now I call "officially the end of term!"
Finished my last terrible paper 4 days ago...

(So, what've I been doing for the past 4 days then?)

There, here's my little update on my "itinerary" for these past 4 wonderful days. =D\

This is the production house that I have been at for the past 4 days!
It's a 2 storey shop house located somewhere along some street in Farrer Park. It's this very old school English filming company feel and even the exterior of the building itself is painted dull milky paint with pinkish flowers embroidered on it.

It's cool and....
tomorrow is the day! I'm finally going out to shoot some stuff ! Exciteddd....... It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. So, see ya! xD

Kynaston! Happy birthday!

what we could have been, 11:43 下午.

一次看到小伦时,其实她并不知道只有看到第一眼的人才能看到她, 所以她很努力的很坦然的面对那个时空。小伦呢,整个事情他都被蒙在谷里,他只是单纯的面对和解释他的爱情,不卑不亢。没人有错
我觉得所有的意象也很透彻,之前小伦问:“你为什么弹这个曲子时那么快啊?”雨道:“因为我回去时就是要弹这么快啊”。四手联弹,舞会的个人舞蹈秀。这些 都让那个事实显而易见的摆在了我们面前,所有的剧情是顺流而下的,中间有许多分支,可以逆流,逆流后令人感觉更加透彻。
还有整个剧情的核心,Secret琴谱,用古琴,既定的旋律和节奏,弹快就回到过去,弹慢就去到未来。似乎一切都拥有它已定的规则。我们往往对其束手无 策。小雨爱上未来的男孩很容易,回到过去后这种感情就不确定,不真实了。以一种既定的方式来获得的事物就一定不会长久永恒。所以悲剧就会发生,那个闭塞的 70年代,被认为是精神病是很卑劣的事情。小雨就是,当她告诉20年后小伦的父亲时,她是可以释怀的,毕竟她追求的是真实的生活。可一切的发展是出乎意料 的。未来小伦无奈的几个月与小雨的精神崩溃期其实是一个相对时间里发生的,以至于后来小伦看到了小雨貌似是20年前所留下的修正液迹。当小伦将修正液用力 点出心形图案时,小雨的死其实已经发生了。
死,经常是结局,但小雨的死小伦是事后知道的,也就是说那是在20年后被小伦父亲说穿的。所以结局被滞后了。如果一个人知道怎么能够找到自己的真爱时,会 奋不顾身,小伦没有奋不顾身,我觉得他是明白自己在做什么的,他努力让自己回到那个既定轨道上,既然所有都是已定的,那就要再次既定个新的,然后彻底改变 这个规律,而不是轻易盲从,或轻易反驳。小伦在快要塌掉的琴房里开始了他的演奏,爆发着情绪开始他的救赎。
当小伦看到小雨母亲真正释怀20年前的一刻时,一种微妙的缘分所牵扯到的,企及到的都是那么逼真,精致,加上小伦父亲的人物设定,人物与剧情还有核心内容 完全浑然一体。还有镜头的剪辑点和画面的节奏感,周导都把握的恰到好处。小伦爸翻开琴谱页脚之前,小伦在快塌掉的房子里弹到最后几个音符,这个画面是最记 忆犹新的,两个画面转换流畅,符合逻辑,如果小伦还没回到20加N年前时,父亲是能看到20年前小雨留下的名字,当他弹完曲子时,自然那个名字就会消失, 因为这个时空的小伦消失了,小伦让父亲彻底知道了真相,坚贞的回到了过去。楼的倒塌声与之后学校的下课铃声声声相接,过去与现实,现实与未来,环环相扣, 意味深长。
这真是一部值得去电影院看的电影啊,很久没看到这样可以用心看的电影了。开始时觉得动机不纯,竟然因为桂纶镁。但当那个泛黄毕业照最后出现然后~最美不是 下雨天~的片尾曲抨击视网膜和听小骨时。看电影就没有那最初的明确的目的了,也明白了导演纯真的表现,也理解了他要表达的情愫。那感觉很奇怪,也许仅仅是 热爱吧。

what we could have been, 11:07 下午.

This term has finally come to an end!

Tomorrow is our church's (CCC) Swimming Carnival Day!
Took part in one of the events with Sang Woon. I don't know how it will turn out, but I will trust everything on God's hand tomorrow. insecure..

We must have the "Win, we praise God. Lose, we praise God." spirit! C'mon! =D

Coming along with all the swimming events, we will also be having a cheering competition!
The Teens Ministry has joined their forces with the awesome parents from the Parent Youth Integrated Ministry and we will dance/cheer along with the song "We're all in this together" from The High School Musical. (Way to go, main squat!)

(Natalie, 2007) suggests, "It's called The High School 1/2 Musical".

If you're wondering...
Yes, I'm in the main squat too. =D

I just pray everything will go well tomorrow. No bad stormy rainy weather!

(Anthony 2007) suggests, "It's not all about winning or losing. It's all about the love."

Ok! Whatever, turn in early!
We're all in this TOGETHER! !

what we could have been, 10:45 下午.

It's once again a very busy and tiring week for me.
Rushing datelines and completing projects.
It's arduous but guess what?! This is the last week of school!

Thank God, I only have 2 papers. But still, there's one that I'm not really confident though.

Just 2 weeks ago, for tutorial class project, we've tried out some lip-dubbing!
We had fun and it was a really really hilarious process. I thought it was a really good 1st try.
Whatever it is, feel free to voice your comments after watching it. =D


what we could have been, 1:19 上午.

Unveiling Top Secret!

These are some interesting facts about the little Ivan you have know.

Your Aura is Green

You're very driven, competitive, and even a bit jealous.
However, you seek out balance in your life - and you usually achieve it!

The purpose of your life: inspiring others to be better

Famous greens include: Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart

Careers for you to try: Guru, CEO, Talk Show Host
What Color Is Your Aura?

You Are 50% Feminine, 50% Masculine

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.
You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.
You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders.
Are You Masculine or Feminine?

You Are the Super Ego

While some people may think first and act later... you often don't act at all.
You rather be safe than sorry, and you take ethics pretty seriously.
Like everyone, you have some pretty crazy desires. But unlike everyone, you restrain yourself.
You have high standards for your own behavior. And you happily exceed them.
Are You Id, Ego, or Superego?

You Are Totally Anal Retentive

Yup, you're so uptight - people definitely have called you "anal."
You're the type of person who's so OCD you organize your M&Ms before eating them.
You have so many rules and rituals, it's hard for you to let loose and enjoy life.
So go ahead and mix up your alphabetized CD collection. Live a little!
Are You Anal Retentive?

Your Inner Child Is Naughty

Like a child, you tend to discount social rules.
It's just too much fun to break the rules!
You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you.
And no matter what, you refuse to grow up!
How Is Your Inner Child?

You Are a Kinetic Learner

You learn best by doing, and you have a talent for complicated, physical tasks.
You excel at athletics, drama, and fixing things.
You would be an excellent Olympic athlete - or a Broadway star!
What's Your Learning Style?

Your Deadly Sins

Pride: 80%

Sloth: 80%

Envy: 40%

Greed: 40%

Wrath: 40%

Lust: 20%

Gluttony: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43%

You will die from faulty botox injection.
How Sinful Are You?

Your Power Color Is Gold

At Your Highest:

You are engrossed in passions that mentally stimulate you.

At Your Lowest:

You seek thrills and neglect what's important in your life.

In Love:

You see dating as adventure and approach it with an open attitude.

How You're Attractive:

You passion for life makes others passionate about you.

Your Eternal Question:

"Am I Having Fun?"
What's Your Power Color?

what we could have been, 11:17 下午.


age school whatever.

place tagboard code here. max width=130.
get one from cbox!
new camera
▪ the 18th birthday
Felicia Yap
Charmaine (1C03)
Cheryl (1C03)
Daryl Christian
Derick (VS)
Lih Yee

一月 2006 二月 2006 五月 2006 六月 2006 八月 2006 十一月 2006 一月 2007 二月 2007 三月 2007 四月 2007 五月 2007 六月 2007 七月 2007 八月 2007 九月 2007 十月 2007 十一月 2007 十二月 2007 一月 2008 二月 2008 三月 2008 四月 2008 八月 2008 十月 2009 十一月 2009
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.