Just some tips on learning a new language... In case you might want to.
For 2 long dreadful months, apart from working with Upside Down Concepts, I have been diligently studying for a new language - Korean. Well, if you really want to learn a language, prepare these:
1. Look for dramas that will interest you.
2. Look for a singer/a band that suits your kind of music.
3. Research some learning notes on the internet if you have the time.
4. Read short passages or baby story books T.T
5. Take a notebook to jot down short simple words/phrases while doing the above.
Anyway, this method is not MOE certified to be reliable or any of that sort. It may or may not work for you, but for me, it certainly did add some vocabulary and knowledge into my tiny little brain.
(NOT RECOMMENDED)For desperate people, avoid all other language. Just stare at that language whenever you're free. Listen to only (their) songs. Watch and hear only (their) language's dramas.To the extreme?Yes, to the very extreme end.2 con:
My English pronunciation suffered.
You may not be able to relate much locally.
what we could have been, 6:21 下午.
Veronica made my name into a book mark~
what we could have been, 12:19 上午.
Along with 2 other brothers, Tingyu and Shawn, we dated 3 awesome sisters~
It's was definitely enjoyable to be flying kites with Veronica~ (running like mad dog... T.T)
But still, it's fun! I will further update you with images to prove it. hahaha!
what we could have been, 12:01 上午.
These are some picture of Super Junior again!
I think I am slowly and unknowingly drawn to become their admirer already. Kinda inspired by them though. *Grrrrrrr*
Honestly, exploring into them is like exploring a whole new world. There seem to be no end to who they really are. On the surface they may be just a member of a group and many people may think that they must be the same. But they are kinda different. Each has different backgrounds and talents such as MCs, Radio DJs, Show Hosts and many other things.. I just can't stop learning from them!
(It sounds like my course of study anyway, hahaha! Maybe I can just pick up some skills from them. Woohooo~)
Many people may always agree that only people of similar character can associate with each other but I would beg to differ that after knowing them, each individual is special in their own way. The only thing that bonded them together is just the passion and love of being a "performer". (Just like our love for God that made us together.)
Only through tiring times, they learn to take care of one another and look out for one another. Eventually get to know one another even on a deeper level.
"Love your neighbor like yourself..." Everyone can be loving to one another! Therefore, I think I shall say "...this person i can't relate to..." lesser. HAHA.
what we could have been, 8:54 下午.
what we could have been, 2:25 下午.
Just a few interesting and intellectual pickup lines to make your day!
Here it is...
. You’re like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life!
. I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.
. If I was sin^2 theta and you were cos^2 theta together we would be 1.
어지럽고 기운이 없어요
what we could have been, 9:39 下午.
야!! 죽을래?!!
what we could have been, 3:14 下午.
If you should see some entry dates having more than 10 days apart means routine works have started and no life is creeping into my no life's life. Ah.....
아물 그러나 아물! ㅋㅋ
??? 또는 !!!?
이상해~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
싢어요! 진찌싢어요!!!
아! 똥싸내!! 그만해!!
이원 저리가!
*답답해* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이거는 나는 favorite song! (???)
"슈퍼주니어 - 아주 먼 옛날 (Song for you)
아주 먼 옛날 하늘에서는 당신을 향한 계획있었죠
하나님께서 바라보시며 좋았더라고 말씀하셨네
*이 세상 그 무엇보다 귀하게
나의 손으로 창조하였노라
내가 너로 인하여 기뻐하노라
내가 너를 사랑하노라
**사랑해요 축복해요
당신의 마음에 우리의 사랑을 드려요
Rap> 나의 눈물을 닦아주고 (go)
나의 기쁨이 되어주신 (oh)
하나님 사랑해요 그 뜻을 위해 쉬지 않고 기도하리라
오래전부터 준비됐었던 사랑을, 진한 기도의 향기가
이 모든 것들 당신을 위한 것임을...
그대에게 축복을...
*이 세상 그무엇보다 귀하게 나의 손으로 창조하였노라
내가 너로 인하여 기뻐하노라
내가 너를 사랑하노라
** 사랑해요 축복해요
당신의 마음에 우리의 사랑을 드려요
** 사랑해요 축복해요
당신의 마음에 우리의 사랑을 드려요, 사랑을 드려요"
what we could have been, 4:10 上午.